October 22, 2024

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic , the world economy is still experiencing a period of severe financial crisis. As with any national or global crisis , there is no one-size-fits-all solution for restoring balance. However, there are mitigating factors and among these many economists are bringing attention again to all the benefits deriving from the legalization of cannabis .

Let’s rediscover together all the economic benefits that a country and its economy can draw from the ” weed economy “.

Jobs and salaries

Sales tax receipts

Investment opportunity

Cost savings

Conclusions  best weed shops Bangkok.

Thanks to the high interest in the commercialization of cannabis , the legalization of such a large market would have a large-scale impact on the world of work. This is because it would give way to a new industry that requires not only traders but also producers. The production of marijuana requires considerable effort to produce therefore creating jobs for many laborers all over the country. Obviously as mentioned above there will also be a demand for infrastructure and personnel for the direct sale of these products.

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Establishing marijuana nurseries and dispensaries would be the first step for states that voted in favor of medical marijuana.

The potential proceeds from the sale in Italy is given by the earnings that accumulate thanks to the sale of all the Cannabis products, part of which will be deducted from taxes.

Taking into consideration the possibility of cannabis becoming a monopoly product, the gain for our country would be considerable .

Obviously this would be an essential aid in mitigating the losses and costs of the pandemic that have brought our country’s economy to its knees.

These revenues will then be available and at the discretion of our country to be used in an informed and proactive manner .

As with any industry, even for the “weed economy” investors will find valid opportunities for their investments.

Legal marijuana presents the potential for enormous benefits to economies on a local and national scale. It could also help insure the investment portfolios of investors across the country and even further afield. While marijuana remains illegal nationwide, it’s hard for investors to capitalize on the industry’s growth .